Author Topic: Firefly Funhouse: Breaking The Habit (Bray Wyatt)  (Read 2871 times)

Sir Rockin

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Firefly Funhouse: Breaking The Habit (Bray Wyatt)
« on: December 05, 2020, 01:23:27 PM »
(“Good Friendship Song” begins to play)

“We're really glad that you're our friend
And this is a friendship that will never ever end”

Ramblin' Rabbit: I see pain...
I see need...
I see liars and thieves...
Abused power with greed...
I had hope...
I believed...
But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived...You will pay for what you've donnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! No more sorrow...I've paid for your mistakes...Your time is borrowed...
Your time has come to be replacccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddd!

Thieves and hypocrites!

Bray Wyatt:Rabbit!

Ramblin' Rabbit:Thieves and hypocrites!

Bray Wyatt:RABBIT!

Ramblin' Rabbit:Oh... Hi... Bray. I didn't see you there. I was just jamming out to the Greatest Linkin Park Songs ever!

Mercy The Buzzard:That isn't the Greatest Linkin Park Song Ever.

Ramblin' Rabbit:Yes it is.

Mercy The Buzzard:No it's not.

Ramblin' Rabbit:Yes It Is!

Mercy The Buzzard:No it's not.

Ramblin' Rabbit:Then what is?

Mercy The Buzzard:Listen to this.


I don't know what's worth fighting for...
Or why I have to scream....
I don't know why I instigate...
And say what I don't mean...
I don't know how I got this way...
I know it's not alright...
So I'm brrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaking the haaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbit...
I'm brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaking the haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbit tonight!

Ramblin' Rabbit:My song was the greater song.

Mercy The Buzzard:Mine was.

Ramblin' Rabbit:No Mine.

Mercy The Buzzard:No Mine.

Ramblin' Rabbit:No Mine.

Mercy The Buzzard:Trust me. Mine was better.

Ramblin' Rabbit:Says who.

Mercy The Buzzard:THEY told me.

Ramblin' Rabbit:Who are they?

Mercy The Buzzard:You don't know who THEY are?

Ramblin' Rabbit:No.

Mercy The Buzzard:Just do your research, everyone knows who THEY are!

Bray Wyatt:Are you two silly rascals done yet?

Ramblin' Rabbit:Yes.

Mercy The Buzzard:Sorry Bray.

Bray Wyatt:While everyone may or may not know who THEY are. Everyone knows who HE is. And HE is getting ready to get back in to the ring at Seasons Beatings and it just so happens, that HE gets to fight the BIGGEST LINKIN PARK FAN EVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

(Party Noises)

But that's not who we are suppose to know you as right? You are a former Multi-Time World Champion. You are one the GREATEST of ALL TIME. That is who you are right Chris? That is the person we are suppose to know you as right?

If so, then why are you here. Why did you come back to this place that you left a long time ago.

Is it because you are looking for a Cure for the Itch?

That itch to once again be the best in this business.

Or are you realizing that what you have done your entire life was All for Nothing?

Or is it that you are having trouble Breaking The Habit?

We all know that addiction is a disease that is hard to break. Sometimes it leaves you Powerless. Sometimes bad habits leave you In Pieces, sitting in the Wastelands just Waiting for The End.

But at the end of the day, are you are just searching for Somewhere I Belong. Which is why you always come back right? As this is the one place where you don't feel Numb, right Chris.

This is the place that gives you a purpose. The one place that gave you the Keys to the Kingdom, for all of your biggest success. No other place gives you that. No other place gives you that feeling. Out in the real world, you are Forgotten. Just left Talking to Myself, realizing that maybe all of this was All for Nothing.

But here is the good thing Chris. HE will help you. HE will put an end to it all. Because HE gets rid of all the Lies, Greed & Misery. 

While all of this around me is fun and games. What HE does, isn't. HE will make you bleed, HE will make you suffer and HE will put an end to it all.

So Chris, don't worry. It will be all over soon enough.

HE will make sure of it.

All you have to do is... LET HIM IN!



(“Good Friendship Song” begins to play)

“We're really glad that you're our friend
And this is a friendship that will never ever end”